Finding out more, Seeking Advice


Labor and Gino Jisshu(Skills Practice) ・Training/Jichitai Kokusai-ka Kyokai (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations/CLAIR)

Places that offer Consultation

As you start working, you may encounter various problems and troubles.
You can get advice if you face problems such as unpaid salary or sexual harassment.
You should have the consultation with someone who speak Japanese.

Kosei Rodo Sho Rodo Kijun Kantokusho (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Labour Standards Inspection Office)

Institution which will help you with your mother language

You can get consultations at these places for free
Staff at these places will answer questions you may have

Other Yokohama-shi Kokusai Koryu Lounge(International Lounges)

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