Looking for a Job

Procedures for Employment

Kokyo Shokugyo Anteisho (Hello Work) (Hello Work, Public Employement Security Office) will tell you how to find work.

Places that provide employment information

Kokyo Shokugyo Anteisho (Hello Work) (Hello Work, Public Employement Security Office)
This is a government organization where employment information and consultation are provided for free.
Non-Japanese Speakers can ask for consultation, but if is best to call the office in advance.

Hello Work in Kanagawa Ken

Employment Service Center for Foreigners
Employment Service Center for Foreigners is a public employment office specializing in providing job counseling and placement services for non-Japanese people.
There are offices in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.

Private Websites that Support Job Seekers

Japan Career
This is an employment support center for students and people who want to change jobs.
You can use the site for free, but you first need to register.

Provides part time job information for foreigners
You can look for jobs by judging from location, wage, and other criteria.

Nippon no Shigoto
This is a job information website which offer part-time jobs, contract work and full-time work.
You can look for jobs by judging from location, wage, and other criteria.

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