Financial Support

This is a subsidy that child rearing parents are eligible to receive.

  • Jido Teate (Child Allowance)
    • ・This is a subsidy for parents who are raising junior high school and younger children.
  • Jido Fuyo Teate (Child Rearing Allowance)
    • ・This is a subsidy that a single parent or a his/her legal guardian is eligible to receive who is rearing children (until March 31 following the 18th birthday of the eligible child)
    • ・In addition, in some cases, you may be eligible to receive Tokubtsu Joshaken(Special Pass) or discount on train pass for JR, or benefits for medical expenses.

An interest-free loan offered to single parent families

  • Boshi Fushi Kafu Fukushikin (Welfare Loan Fund for Single Parent Families and Widows)
    • ・Single parent families are eligible to receive interest-free loans for specific children’s needs such as expenses for high school, or for getting qualifications such as driver’s license.
    • ・You may borrow money for purposes such as moving house, nursing care, or other living expenses, but in these cases, you need to pay interest.

Financial benefits what child rearing families are eligible to receive.

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